How to Clean an Artificial Christmas Tree

Each year, many of us choose to skip the routine of picking out a real tree, getting it cut down, and then dealing with insects and/or pine needles dropping on the living room floor. If you’ve gone down the artificial route, chances are you’ve decided to invest in a tree that will last you a good few years. Have you ever thought, though, that the tree stands proudly in one place for a [...]

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Christmas Cleaning Guide: 3 Top Tips for Festive Spills

Hosting at Christmas can be stressful. Cleaning, decorating, topping up drinks and making up guest bedrooms, not to mention cooking numerous dishes and desserts for twelve people. When dinner is cooked and ready to serve, you might breathe a small sigh of relief. Suddenly, one of these festive spills occurs! Fear not, with our top tips for three common festive spills and how to clean them, you’ll restore your glittering festive sanctuary to [...]

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Making Cleaning a Fun Activity for Kids

Once your babies have become not-so-little, and they reach an age where they could feasibly help you out around the house, how can you engage them and make it fun, without coming up against moans and groans? Whether it’s the big pre-Christmas clean, a Springtime freshen up or just needing a bit of a hand on a Sunday afternoon, here are some tips and tricks we’ve found can help to get the mini-army [...]

2021-12-16T10:08:46+00:00How To Guides|Comments Off on Making Cleaning a Fun Activity for Kids

Christmas Cleaning Guide: 5 Top Tips for a Sparkling Festive Home

With family and friends set to visit over the festive season, avoid any extra stress by following our quick and simple Christmas cleaning guide that will leave your house sparkling and give you a clean, blank canvas to decorate.  Tidy house, tidy mind  Where to begin? A great top tip for time saving at this time of year is to consider the 'party path'. If you are having overnight guests, you'll need to focus more [...]

2023-12-06T11:52:42+00:00How To Guides|Comments Off on Christmas Cleaning Guide: 5 Top Tips for a Sparkling Festive Home

How to stop the Christmas Tree from dropping its needles

You’ve decided to go for a real tree this year. You’re excited about the beautiful natural look, the festive smell and the Christmas tradition of choosing a tree. But what about the needles dropping all throughout December? Go for a hardy variety We’re not saying you need to become a horticulturalist before you go Christmas tree shopping, but a quick search can give you an idea of which tree varieties to look out [...]

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